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Health Justice offers an array dynamic and engaging half-day virtual trainings for healthcare, public health, and other health-affiliated organizations at various stages of their antiracism and equity journey.

Although we do provide one-time trainings, from our experience, meaningful organizational change requires sustained exposure to this content. As such, we recommend organizations bundle our trainings into a training series. Health Justice also custom designs facilitated trainings and workshops based on clients’ specific needs.

Note: Health Justice typically provides virtual trainings, however, we deliver in-person trainings depending on our team’s availability and organization’s COVID-19 safety measures.


Naming and Discussing Racism

Foundational Racial Equity Concepts
Racial Equity 101: Introduction to Foundational Concepts training uses self-reflection, large group discussion, breakout groups, and brief didactic lectures to engage participants in learning foundational racial equity concepts. The training covers the social construction of race; defining racism; the levels/dimensions of racism (internalized, interpersonal, institutional, structural and cultural) and how they show up including in the healthcare or public health setting, and an analysis of power within social structures. This introductory training aims to ensure that everyone has a baseline understanding of these foundational concepts and a shared language and analysis for discussing the issues of race, racism and racial equity. An understanding of these topics is essential for racial equity practice.
Talking About Racism

Talking about racism can be challenging. Having a clear framework for how to have these discussions can help to effectively communicate about racism and inequities, creating the opportunity for individual and collective learning and transformation. In this training, participants will learn about the Center for Social Inclusion’s Affirm-Counter-Transform (ACT) model and how to apply this model to conversations about racism. The session will include opportunities for individual reflection, small and large group discussion, and role-playing.


Developing an Anti-racist and Equitable Organizational Culture

White Supremacy Organizational Culture

Part 1: Recognizing Norms and Developing Solutions

The Recognizing Norms and Developing Solutions training focuses on understanding how dominant culture (i.e., white supremacy culture) shows up within organizations. Participants will be introduced to the concept of white supremacy culture characteristics and will be led through an interactive session to understand how these characteristics show up in their organization followed by identifying antidotes or alternatives to these norms. This training is offered as a three-session bundle with Parts 2 and Parts 3.

Part 2: Recognizing Norms and Developing Solutions – Illustrative Case Scenarios

This follow-up session to Part 1 leverages in-depth case scenarios to engage participants in small and large group discussions to further deepen understanding of how white supremacy culture norms manifest and develop capacity to generate solutions or antidotes to these norms. The session is offered as a three-session bundle with Parts 1 and 3.

Part 3: Developing Team Goals to Counter Dominant Culture Norms

In this final session of the three-session bundle, participants will go through a team-based process to develop goals to counter dominant culture (i.e., white supremacy culture) norms. Participants will identify a dominant culture characteristic/norm to counter as a team, develop several draft goals to counter this norm, prioritize one draft goal using equity- and feasibility-based prioritization criteria, and then refine the prioritized goal into an actionable goal. The session is offered as a three-session bundle with Parts 1 and 2. Health Justice offers additional technical assistance services to support clients in developing an implementation plan for the goals developed during this session.

Strategies for Building Accountable Leadership

The Building Accountability training is designed for staff in positional leadership and focuses on strategies for building accountable leadership including generative conflict; interrupting and addressing harm in the moment; and how to repair harm when it has been done. The training uses a case-based scenario and role-playing along with small and large group discussion and ends with engaging participants in making individual commitment steps around building accountability in their own work.

Strengthening Our Capacity ​to Interrupt and Respond to Harm

Best taken as a bundle with Building Accountable Leadership, this training covers strategies to interrupt harmful dialogue or actions with attention to context in which the harm is occuring​. Through interactive discussion and case scenarios participants will learn about these strategies as well as how to generate accountable responses in moments of harm or conflict.

Shifting from Power Hoarding to Power Sharing

Shifting from Power Hoarding to Power Sharing guides participants through small and large group discussions of how power hoarding manifests within team dynamics and organizational culture at-large. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on how these patterns disproportionately harm BIPOC individuals and those that may be marginalized in relation to aspects of their identity and/or within the organizational hierarchy.  Attendees will also reflect on how they contribute to cultures of unfair power distributions within their organization and on individual opportunities to shift those patterns. Participants will be guided through evidence-based goal-setting models to identify either an individual or team short-term action-oriented goal to support their organization’s shift away from inequitable workplace culture. Note: this is a 90-minute session.


Implementing Anti-racist and Equitable Organizational Change

Moving Health Systems Along the Anti-Racist Organizational Continuum
The training which includes lecture as well as breakout groups includes a brief review of foundational racial equity concepts, an introduction to the continuum on becoming an anti-racist, multicultural organization as well as strategies to help health systems advance along the continuum. Participants will identify where their respective organization lies on the continuum and have the opportunity to reflect on steps they can take personally to advance their organization along the continuum towards anti-racism.
Operationalizing Racial Equity
The Operationalizing Racial Equity workshop provides an opportunity for participants to identify priority areas for meaningful change within their organization, brainstorm potential actions, and consider what resources and challenges may exist when it comes to implementing these potential actions. At the end of the workshop, participants will develop immediate next steps to advance equity within the priority areas identified. The workshop includes breakout groups as well as large group discussion.


Racial Equity In Research
The Racial Equity in Research training leverages large group discussion, breakout groups and polling questions to create a dynamic and engaging learning experience for participants. This training (~3.5 hours) focuses on bringing a racial equity perspective to research. This training will walk through the major stages of research (e.g., design and data collection, analysis, dissemination, etc.) and engage participants on how to apply a racial equity lens to each stage. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own work as an example and examine how their background influences the direction of their research. The role of community and community engagement will also be centered and explored. This training builds on concepts introduced in Racial Equity 101 such as power and systems analysis.
Ending the HIV Epidemic among Young Black Same Gender-Loving Men: Understanding the Intersecting Roles of Racism, Homophobia, and HIV Stigma

Using an intersectional lens that recognizes homophobia and  HIV stigma, participants will learn about racism as a system, the different levels of racism, and how the different levels of racism contribute to inequitable HIV outcomes for young Black same-gender loving men/men who have sex with men. Participants will be engaged through small and large group discussions. This training is best taken as a half-day training or two shorter training sessions.

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